Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mornings with my son.

It's pretty rare that I have Dakota all to myself. Elle is spending the night at a friend's house and Doc just left for the gym. Dakota and I snuggled in bed while I watched a movie on my laptop and he watched another on his PSP. We shared time over cereal at the breakfast table and now I'm enjoying the quiet that exists in the home whenever it's only him and me. Serenity with my boy...I love it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I've had Buster for almost 15 years and I realized, not long ago, that I had such few recent pictures of him. I suppose that having children does that to people. They quickly turn the lens on the kids and forget to capture the emotions of their cat. Anyhow, the photo above was taken just today and the one below was taken during the Christmas holiday week. I think he looks so regal and just couldn't not share this with you all! I do love him dearly...even when he walks all over my keyboard, gets in my face while I'm laying down to read. He's my snuggle buddy.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

All My Children

Christmas this year was better than I could have imagined. And even better than the holiday itself was the time we got to share with those we love. My kiddos got to spend some time with my godson, Kai Tindall over the holiday. It's always nice when he can come for a visit and although our time together was shorter than I would have liked, we definitely made the best of it. In this photo Kai is enjoying a sausage biscuit breakfast while Dakota shows him a fart video no doubt...and then there is Elle wearing her Easter ears. least it's in the spirit of Jesus.
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A Year of Healing has launched

Inspired by "A Year of Mornings: 3191 Miles Apart", Amanda and Candice have committed to sharing images, on a daily basis, of the things in their lives that bring them happiness.