Friday, December 28, 2007

10th Annual Doctor Family Christmas Party

It's so hard to believe but it's been 10 years that we've shared the Christmas Party tradition with our friends and a few family members. We hosted our first party in our home on College Ave. It was a 1,000 square foot starter home with two bedrooms and one bath and yet it managed to accommodate our guests just fine. Several years and a couple kids later, we did it again in our new(er) home that's capable of accommodating more people and yet the coziness of the get together remains the same.

Now we're 30 something's having the bulk of our conversations about our children, our jobs, our hobbies, new cars, new appliances, etc. and yet the special spirit of this tradition is alive and well. Perhaps it's the stress of this time of year or because we're all so busy with our lives that some people don't REALLY want to go to the party (or any party for that matter), but everyone rolls out and a few beverages later, we're relaxed, laughing, reminiscing (Camden has a memory like no other) and usually we end up getting our grove on in the middle of the family room. And sometimes, a guest manages to throw in a little surprise.

For example, this year Beau hid "surprises" in his BBQ wieners and god only knows what they were going to be or who would find them (it turns out they were toy in sheriff, police, BEEF INSPECTOR). And Jason put KJ to task on his E.R. duties when his pink eye got so out of control that KJ had to "flip his lid" to determine if it was infected. And never mind the rabbit. Those of you who were there know all about the rabbit.

It's with great gratitude that I write this entry. I'm very grateful for our wonderful friends, their memories and their love. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

The Afro made an appearance.

Party Animals!

Mr. Robato

Mr. Singing Christmas Tree (he's 10 years old now and still works, just has a bit of a gimp eye)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great recap! I'm so glad we were able to make it this year!!