Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Pirates 1st Fall 2008 Game

The Pirates are official! They're wearing real uniforms this year and we even have a real referee. Watching Dakota play soccer is suddenly much more entertaining. His father got to serve as the coach this weekend because the coach was away for a family emergency. I think he did a fine job of filling in and making the kids enjoy their first time on the U7 soccer fields. Gammy Sandy and Auntie Shara even came to watch his Fall 2008 debut. And he scored a goal!

The fields are much larger this year which is great because there are less throw ins as a result of the ball going out of bounds so much. And the size of the field gave the kids more freedom to move around. Dakota took a good tumble on this one but he bounced back up and went after it again.

Coach Doctor doing his thing. The little guy to Dakota's right (left on screen) is one of his friends from school. They're quite good buddies.
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