Friday, September 26, 2008

Proud Parents

I realize that some of you will think that I utilize this space to boast about my children and I promise that I try to include other interesting topics. But in this case, I just can't stand not saying anything.

Last year we would walk the halls of Dakota's school and I'd see kid's names posted to the wall on trophy laminated cut outs. The trophies are awarded year-round once kids read a certain number of books or reach a certain level or score a certain amount of reading points. Last year I scanned the walls for signs of my son's name until finally I inquired about why he wasn't there. Well, it's only for 1st thru 5th grader recognition. I would have been searching for a long time.

Five weeks into first grade and Dakota was posted to the wall! He must been recognized just yesterday because surely I would have noticed it before now (given my tendency to scan the wall on a daily basis). He is one of only three 1st graders with a trophy and I couldn't be happier!

1 comment:

Erika said...

He is a reading machine, just like his mom! Great job Dakota!!